Stories from the History of Rome Mrs. Emily Beesly

Stories from the History of Rome

Author: Mrs. Emily Beesly
$9.99 999
ISBN 9798888180990148 pages6 x 9 inch paperback, 25 b&w drawings
In 1878, Mrs. Beesly wanted her children to read more than just fairy tales. There were plenty of history books intended for children, but she felt they were not suitable for youngsters, being full of words and ideas they would not understand. So she set about simplifying Livy and Plutarch, testing the stories on her young boys. And to the delight of young readers, she successfully captured the mythical and semi-historical legends of Rome, while showcasing the two core Roman values: duty to parents and duty to country. The first edition, and all succeeding editions as far as we know, were unadorned by pictures. We have added a series of twenty-five drawings throughout the book, which were created by Italian artist Bartolomeo Pinelli from 1817-1819. Here is the triumph of Romulus. Stories included: The Building of Rome, The Horatii and the Curiatii, Brutus and His Sons, How Lars Porsenna Besieged Rome, Caius Marcius and His Mother, The Deeds of the Fabii, Cincinnatus, The Battle of Corbio, How the Romans Won Two Cities, The Taking of Rome, The Gulf in the Forum, The Story of Titus Manlius, The Death of Decius, The Caudine Forks, The Two Fabii and How Pyrrhus Fought against Rome. Unabridged. Cover by Carlo Maratti, The Finding of Romulus and Remus, 1680-1692.

In 1878, Mrs. Beesly wanted her children to read more than just fairy tales. There were plenty of history books intended for children, but she felt they were not suitable for youngsters, being full of words and ideas they would not understand. So she set about simplifying Livy and Plutarch, testing the stories on her young boys. And to the delight of young readers, she successfully captured the mythical and semi-historical legends of Rome, while showcasing the two core Roman values: duty to parents and duty to country.

The first edition, and all succeeding editions as far as we know, were unadorned by pictures. We have added a series of twenty-five drawings throughout the book, which were created by Italian artist Bartolomeo Pinelli from 1817-1819. Here is the triumph of Romulus.

Stories included: The Building of Rome, The Horatii and the Curiatii, Brutus and His Sons, How Lars Porsenna Besieged Rome, Caius Marcius and His Mother, The Deeds of the Fabii, Cincinnatus, The Battle of Corbio, How the Romans Won Two Cities, The Taking of Rome, The Gulf in the Forum, The Story of Titus Manlius, The Death of Decius, The Caudine Forks, The Two Fabii and How Pyrrhus Fought against Rome. Unabridged.

Cover by Carlo Maratti, The Finding of Romulus and Remus, 1680-1692.