“Suffering codfish! Somebody’s after me,” Mr. Whiskers groans. And somebody is.
It all starts on a gray February day in Cranberryport, when Mr. Whiskers admits to Maggie and Grandmother that he has never, ever, received a valentine. Then, two days later, a big lacy valentine arrives for him, full of cupids, lovebirds, hearts and flowers.
“How sweet,” says Maggie.
“Revolting,” says Mr. Whiskers.
The next day three more fancy valentines arrive for Mr. Whiskers, and he begins to get worried—particularly when he hears that a lady in green has been asking for him all over town. Can she be the one sending him all the valentines?
Then two more valentines arrive and Mr. Whiskers is terrified! Should he hide, or leave town?
How Mr. Whiskers solves the mystery of his secret admirer and enjoys a happy Valentine’s Day makes for another appealing story, from 1986, in this much-loved Cranberryport series. Not to be missed is the tasty recipe for Cranberry Upside-Down Cake!

*Worldwide titles: These titles may take up to 1-2 weeks to ship, or longer in November and December. Read why here.